“There’s no greater thing you can do with your life and your work than follow your passions in a way that serves the world and you.” Richard Branson

Our Research

  • Planting for Place: Native, Deer and Drought Ressistant Landscape Planting Strategies for the Southeast

    Our research at Bark.Works focuses on creating native, deer-resistant landscapes and planting palettes. We believe that these types of landscapes not only provide beauty and aesthetic value but also promote biodiversity and sustainability. Our team is dedicated to identifying and selecting plants that are native to the area, and that have the ability to withstand the browsing of deer.

    Our research also involves evaluating different plant combinations, textures, and colors to create a visually stunning landscape that offers ecological benefits. We work with our clients to understand their preferences and design landscapes that meet their needs and preferences while promoting environmental stewardship.

    At Bark.Works, we are committed to offering our clients the highest quality of service and the best plant selections for their landscapes. Our research and expertise in native, deer-resistant planting palettes ensure that our clients can enjoy beautiful and sustainable landscapes for years to come.

  • Creating Sustainable Housing Solutions in Rural Alabama through Community Networking and Mutual Altruism

    As a researcher and remodeling enthusiast, I have taken a personal approach to understanding the challenges facing rural communities in Alabama when it comes to affordable housing. Through my experience of remodeling my grandmother's 120+-year-old home, I have come to appreciate the intricate connection between rural construction, community building, and networking.

    In rural areas, the need for affordable housing is pressing, and the relationships and networks of power greatly influence the ability to afford affordability. DIY is not always the least expensive option, as the value lies in knowing who to turn to for help and expertise. People in rural communities are psychologically primed for mutual altruism, and by tapping into this sense of community, we can create sustainable solutions for affordable housing.

    The answer to the rural housing crisis might be staring us in the face - it's that of community, connection, and a little grit. By building relationships with local contractors, builders, and community leaders, we can create a network of support that can provide affordable housing solutions for those in need.

    Through my personal experience of remodeling my grandmother's home, I have learned that there is a wealth of knowledge and expertise within rural communities that can be harnessed to create sustainable and affordable housing solutions. By tapping into these resources, we can build stronger communities that are more resilient to the challenges of the future.

  • Exploring the Transformative Potential: Drones, Photogrammetry, and 3D Modeling in Small Design Firms

    Researching the potential of utilizing drones, photogrammetry, and 3D modeling opens up exciting possibilities for small design firms in the industry. These emerging technologies offer innovative tools to enhance the capabilities of design professionals, enabling them to gather accurate spatial data, capture detailed imagery, and create immersive 3D models. By harnessing the power of drones, firms can access previously inaccessible or challenging-to-reach areas, facilitating site analysis, documentation, and monitoring. Photogrammetry and 3D modeling techniques enable the generation of precise digital representations, empowering designers to visualize and communicate their ideas with unparalleled accuracy. The integration of these technologies into small design firms' workflows can significantly expand their capabilities, improve decision-making processes, and ultimately deliver more efficient and compelling design solutions to clients.

  • Elevating Conservation Insights: Unveiling Ecological Vulnerability through Drone Photography Documentation

    Research utilizing drones and photography as a form of documentation plays a vital role in understanding and conserving ecologically vulnerable species and landscapes. Drones equipped with high-resolution cameras offer a unique perspective and unparalleled access to remote or inaccessible areas, enabling researchers to capture detailed imagery of fragile ecosystems, endangered species habitats, and sensitive landscapes. By using this technology, researchers can document biodiversity, monitor population dynamics, assess habitat conditions, and track environmental changes over time. The aerial vantage point of drones provides a comprehensive view that can aid in identifying patterns, evaluating ecological health, and informing conservation efforts. With their ability to capture precise and non-intrusive imagery, drones and photography contribute significantly to the documentation and preservation of ecologically vulnerable species and landscapes, supporting scientific research and fostering a deeper understanding of our natural world.